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Merced County Radio Control Club

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Constitution 2005

Article I - Title

The club shall be known as the Merced County Radio Control Club (MCRCC) of the City and County of Merced, California, hereinafter referred to as “the club”.


Article II - Purpose

  1. Promote the hobby of radio control modeling and encourage hobby opportunities through club efforts and activities.

  2. Promote safety in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and the Federal Communications Commission FCC).

  3. Encourage Member participation in national organizations devoted to specialized categories of modeling.

  4. Retain Club status of a non-profit organization in accordance with current tax laws.

  5. Obtain and Maintain a flying site.

  6. Provide club insurance through the AMA and other agencies as necessary.


Article III - Officers

Club Officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Field Marshal.  The position of Assistant Field Marshal is assigned to all MCRCC members.


Article IV - Membership

Membership in the Club shall be available to those persons in sympathy and agreement with the purpose of the club and those willing to abide by the Club's Constitution and Bylaws. No restrictions to club membership shall be made by race, religion, age, gender, disability or for any other reason in conflict with all applicable laws.


Article V -Meetings

  1. General business meetings will be held the first (1st) and third (3rd) Wednesday of each month.

  2. The annual meeting shall be held the first (1st) Wednesday of November for the purpose of nominating new Club Officers. All members in good standing will be afforded the opportunity to nominate and subsequently vote for new Club Officers.

  3. The Club President may call a special meeting at any time, or upon request of five (5) club members in good standing.

  4. Voting for Club Officers, ratification of the club Constitution, Bylaws, meeting dates and annual dues structure will be conducted on the third (3rd) Wednesday in November.

  5. Two (2) Club Officers and seven (7) members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of club business.

  6. In those instances where membership vote is required other than election of Officers, a quorum must be present.


Article VI - Amendments

The Club Constitution or Bylaws may be amended as follows:

  1. All proposed changes must be presented in writing to the Club Secretary or his/her representative at any general meeting.

  2. The President shall appoint a Review Committee to evaluate submitted proposal (s).

  1. The Review Committee will consist of a minimum of (1) Club Officer and four (4) members in good standing in addition to the author(s) of the proposed change.

  2. The review committee shall evaluate, approve or suggest modifications to the submitted change(s) and report their recommendation(s) to the general membership.

  1. Discussion and voting upon the recommended change(s) will be at the next general meeting following the notification of the membership. Members voting on recommended change(s) may be by "whole context" or "line items".

  2. Approval/rejection of any recommended change(s) shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, a quorum being present.




Merced County Radio Control Club
Charter Club #1089
23 Alexander Av.
PMB #433
Merced, CA 95348
Field Location: From Merced, CA, take CA-140 W/McSwain Rd (drive 7 miles west). On Bert Crane Rd. make a left turn (drive1.5 miles South). We are behind the new Waste Water Treatment Plant, Atwater, CA. Make a left turn on the dirt road (drive East 0.4 miles slowly). Make a right turn at the intersection (the gate is here) and drive South 0.2 miles. You have arrived. Park you car. Click on the bottom address to see map. (directions)



> > > > Field Location < < < <

In decimal degrees (1/100)    
Latitude: 37.276107
Longitude: -120.627737
Altitude: 206 Ft.
In degrees, minutes and seconds (1/60)
Latitude: 37° 16' 33.9851"
Longitude: -120° 37' 39.8532"
Altitude: 206 Ft.


Degrees, Minutes, Seconds and Decimal Degrees Latitude/Longitude Conversions

Find the distance between two coordinates (in decimal degrees) on Earth


Please contact Chuck Winter for more information.

Chuck Winter
(209) 777-6669


Juan Eduardo Alvear
AMA number 839262
e-mail alvear.eduardo@yahoo.com 
(+1) 209 201 1611
Copyright © 2005
P.O. Box 3563, Merced, CA 95344-1563

Last Update: Thursday, April 15, 2021 16:40:01 -0400
DISCLAIMER: All photos and movies on this website are shared photos and movies from members for the enjoyment of all. MCRC is not affiliated with IMAA and does not sponsor any of their events. Central Valley Model Fliers sponsors Castle Air Show.

All copyright content belongs to their respective owners