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The Future of RC: UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

 In the following links you are going to see the future of RC. I found an article, in The Economist, that talks about the future. It is a project called Remanta that explores the aerodynamic properties of insects. See the videos. However, the UAV project does not stop in France's Remanta. The Germans have developed something amazing in the field of Surveillance Drones. They are using GSM technology to remotely control the drones. In other words, they add the module found in your cell phone to both the receiver and transmitter of your Radio Control and BINGO! You have a Radio Control for your airplane that works wherever there is a signal for your Cell Phone. AMAZING, isn't it!

Besides that long range potential, they also incorporated a GPS module and computer management software to guide your Drone Aircraft. The Drone carries a video camera that broadcasts high quality signal in 2.5GHZ to a ground receiver. Use it for surveillance or even paparazzi ventures. Check out the videos: http://www.microdrones.de/videos.html.



For Sale


P51 Mustang


Commercial RC Plane - 727




50% Corsair piloted by a person


Harald Huf from Germany
Harald Huf from Germany deserves our admiration for his amazing skills. He is a master builder. Visit his site: http://www.su27.de

My deepest respect and admiration to this Master Builder from Germany, Harald Huf


Merced County Radio Control Club
Charter Club #1089
23 Alexander Av.
PMB #433
Merced, CA 95348
1st Wednesday of each month - 7:00PM
International House of Pankakes

455 W Olive Ave
Merced, CA 95348
(209) 725-8597
Field Location: On 400 S. Bert Crane Rd., make a left turn on the dirt road (drive slowly). Make a right turn at the intersection and drive until you see the planes. Click on the bottom address to see directions.



400 s Bert Crane Rd, Atwater, ca


> > > > Field Location < < < <

In decimal degrees (1/100)    
Latitude: 37.276107
Longitude: -120.627737
Altitude: 206 Ft.
In degrees, minutes and seconds (1/60)
Latitude: 37° 16' 33.9851"
Longitude: -120° 37' 39.8532"
Altitude: 206 Ft.


Degrees, Minutes, Seconds and Decimal Degrees Latitude/Longitude Conversions

Find the distance between two coordinates (in decimal degrees) on Earth


Nitroplanes.com carries the fastest 3d rc airplane

Juan Eduardo Alvear http://pilot.alvear.us/  
AMA number 839262
e-mail alvear.eduardo@sbcglobal.net  (+1) 209 722 8480
Copyright © 2005 P.O. Box 3563, Merced, CA 95344-1563

Last Update: Sunday, August 29, 2010 22:16:48 -0400
DISCLAIMER: All photos and movies on this website are shared photos and movies from members for the enjoyment of all. MCRC is not affiliated with IMAA and does not sponsor any of their events. Central Valley Model Fliers sponsors Castle Air Show.

All copyright content belongs to their respective owners

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